How we run our programme

The mission

What if we would tell you, we can actually make a difference through the power of sports? We do this by developing sustainable hockey communities, the hockey pitch provides a background for local learning opportunities. Young people with challenging circumstances come together and we support them in their personal development. So, education first! Together they play, share, learn and grow. Hockey Dreams Foundaiton is there to assist them in realizing their ambitions for a better future. The coaches of today, gain the the confidence and competences to be the game changers of tomorrow.


The challenge & the solution

There is huge lack of education and possibilities in some regions of Africa. We see that young, ambitious people don't always get the life they fight for. Going to High School or University is for most of them out of option. Besides, drugs, criminal activities and forced marriages are problems they have to deal with. These future leaders need a safe environment where they can develop themselves.

Coaches from underprivileged areas work together in every Hockey Dreams community. Emphasis is on the development of their educational, personal and social skills, so they become positive role models for thousands of kids. They follow the Academy through which they are supported to go to school and organise training, camps, equipment and other matters common in sport organisations. At the end of the Academy, they find a job which enable them to take care of themselves and their families. 


The impact

By creating a healthy and safe sport community we stimulate parents, family members, friends and other athletes to be part of this developed, self-sufficient and sustainable community. The coaches keep the organisation alive by: a) pursuing local sponsorships to finance their local projects and; b) passing on their skills to a new generation of coaches. This would complete our cycle of sustainable change.

Annual Report 2019 Download
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